Every time I read your posts I want to give you a big hug (after the puke is cleaned off) and chat over a coffee (strong, not normal). I hope your precious boys have stopped throwing up and that you and Paddy have found a quiet moment to talk and that you have fully immersed yourself in the magic that is this new double album (!!!). Also very much resonated with your thoughts re: Holy Week this year. Also also: is that a passport photo or a modeling submission?! I truly cannot tell. Sending love, my friend!

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Would adore a tight squeeze from you!! Imagine some strong coffee while our SIX boys in the midst. The dream!

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Beautiful update 💕 “thought about the concrete hope beyond fading light and deepening darkness and for a moment, dusk was the holiest part of my week” LOVE! And the passport pic—so cute 😩 (bless you for handling the puke chaos. The worst part of motherhood.)

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Thank you friend 🫶 And you nailed it with the none of this is true recommendation!!! 🙌🏻

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Loved reading your update on a Saturday morning when I get a whole few minutes of no one else being up. That passport photo is wonderful and Hello Beautiful is on my list. Plus so glad Paddy caught the little note!

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Oh Deborah I’d be so interested to know your thoughts on Hello Beautiful when you read it! It’s about four sisters and the portrayal of their mother is, in my opinion, unfairly… savage 🥴 I mostly loved it because there actually isn’t much of a plot, just lots of good writing about the intricacies of relationships and being human and identity - kinda Ann Patchett vibes! Glad you got a few Saturday morning moments alone - there’s nothing better!

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Well if it’s kind of Ann Patchett like with no plot and lots of stuff on family dynamics, then it sounds like it’s definitely for me. I will report back! Mind you four sisters whose mother gets an unfair portrayal - sounds like my life!

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